Monday, March 06, 2006

Mind Dance

Dear C,

As for questions on Glory ... I don't remember asking specific questions about him. The "changing beliefs" is still in my brain - haven't lost it. It does evoke different thinking patterns on the behalf of the teacher! Requires more subtle "blending" of intent and well, "beliefs", when working with horses. Certainly a different "feel". As I'm thinking about it I'm feeling the difference. There was a Friesian I worked with last summer. Big, beautiful, obstinate gal!! But, then, I know she was obstinate since she didn't know *me* and didn't believe she needed to listen to me. *My* feeling/belief was closer to the yeehaws than I chose to remember. ExCUSE me!?!!? And just WHO do you really THINK that I am? I AM ... your TRAINER. You WILL do what I'm asking. I WILL direct your feet. You WILL change your mind. yadi, yadi, yadi. Not aggressive at all but *very* strong and authoritative. You know ... strong leadership and all that. But as I think on changing beliefs and blending ... I realize that this, even, is too demanding; too strong; too domineering. Never mind the alpha/boss mare thang!!! *grin*. Need to grasp onto the "blending of energies/beliefs" thing ... MUCH more subtle but, yet, MUCH more strong even than the "leadership" thing. Hmmmmmmm ... changes in the ole brain cells. Again, changes in the human thoughts ... it ain't about the horse. *grin* am I gettin' it? Huh? Huh? I'm FEELING it this morning. So, I must be on the right path here. Blending, blending, blending. Discussions. 2-way conversations. *Melding* of intents between horse and human. Horse has one intent; human has the opposite; must blend into one, cohesive belief. *I* know the horse can learn to think this way or that way or do this or do that but I need to gently/effectively help the horse to believe it, himself. Yes? Do I got it right? *grin* Or, am I getting it? I'm feeling more of a spiritual type of dance between horse and human. A dancing of thoughts and intents. A maturing of beliefs into a dance of minds. Unity. Harmony, for sure. A dance that can change tempos at the drop of a note effortlessly, seamlessly and without hesitations. Ooooooooo. I like this! A dance of the minds. Ahhhhhhh, the thoughts are creative this morning, yes? I do think you just became my morning journal! hahahaha. Will tuck this note away for future (near) essay collection. OK, dance is over. Gotta git going. Geeeezzzz I HATE when I'm pulled back into the here and now. *grin*


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